Our Results on SexInTheUK.com
* Emails sent – 90* Replies – 0* Dates set up – 0* Dates turned up – 0* Dates closed – 0Another site that the 90 emails we sent elicited not even a reply, presumably because the site is so fake.
Camgirls Abound
Yep, this is really a cam girl site rather than a dating site. We got 0 – zero, naught, none – replies from women on this site because they are not really looking to hook up. The site is designed to trap you, to get you to sign up in the hope of sex, and then when none comes, you console yourself with a quick hand shandy over the cam girls instead.Don’t get us wrong, nothing wrong with flicking through the internet for girls like this to wank over – that is what the internet was invented for. But why dress it up? Why con men out of sex just to sell a few ads and subscriptions to cam girl private rooms? Because it is so easy to scam people on dating sites when they are thinking with their dick, that is why.
After testing SexInTheUk. We did not find real women. Our advice will be to choose one of theselegit sites to get laid
Foreigners Reign
Once you start looking around this site you do realize that you don’t have a hope with these women. Not because they are hot, but because they are hundreds of miles away. The profile might say ‘Norwich’, but the accent says ‘Zagreb’. These are not local girls, they are only there is make a little money while you stare at their tits. No other SexInTheUK reviews point this out, by the way, because they are all in collusion with the site to make as much money from suckers as possible.
SexInTheUK.com – Summary
Another scam, albeit on with boobs and sex shows. If you want to hook up then this is not a site to frequent. Save your money and sign up to a proper site where you can actually be part of the action, rather than just being a spectator.